Jonathan McMillan

Jonathan McMillan is a pseudonym for two authors with expertise in economics and finance. One works in the investment banking division of a global bank. He has first-hand insight into the workings of the financial centers of London and New York. The other holds an M.Phil. in economics from the University of Cambridge and a Ph.D. in economics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich. He was an economics editor at Neue Zürcher Zeitung, later joined Avenir Suisse, Switzerland's largest think tank, as a senior fellow and Head of Research. In 2023, he was elected as the director and CEO of Avenir Suisse and became a lecturer at the economics faculty of the University of Zurich.

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Wie eine neue Wirtschaftsordnung Europa vor dem Zerreißen bewahren kann

Plassen Verlag


In diesem bahnbrechenden Buch bietet Jonathan McMillan eine neue Perspektive auf den Kapitalismus und deckt grundlegende Fehler in unserer Finanzarchitektur auf. McMillan liefert, was in den aktuellen Debatten fehlt: Er stellt die jüngsten Probleme im Bankwesen in einen größeren historischen Zusammenhang und entwickelt einen radikalen, aber durchdachten Reformvorschlag. McMillan fordert eine Anpassung des Finanzsystems und eine Neugestaltung der Geldpolitik. Dabei bindet er die notwendigen Veränderungen in einen konkreten Übergangsplan ein, der auf ein wichtiges Ziel abzielt: die Wiederherstellung der wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen für eine freie, offene und demokratische Gesellschaft.

Jonathan McMillan The End of Banking

Money, Credit, and the Digital Revolution

Zero/One Economics 2014, 232 pp

Business, Current Affairs


Corpus Books (AST)
Spain (Spanish world)
Taurus (Penguin/Random House Spain)
Companhia das Letras
J.C. Lattes
China (simplified)


The End of Banking rose to prominence among financial specialists through a cover-story feature in Wilmott Magazine, a Wiley publication targeted at financial experts. Having been presented at various conferences, talks, and lectures in the US, Europe and Africa, the book has also enthralled the blogosphere and the Fintech industry community. Ryan Weeks from AltFi calls it «a trailblazing book», and Emmanuel Marot, the CEO of Lending Robot notes that «this brilliant book is a must read for anyone interested in the future of finance».

The End of Banking explains why a financial system without banking is both desirable and possible in the digital age. It distinguishes itself from other books about the financial crisis of 2007-08 in several ways. First, it reveals the common techniques that underlie all forms of banking - from medieval goldsmiths to today’s managers at investment banks. Second, it offers a lucid and accessible account of shadow banking. Third, and critically, it presents a new and intuitive idea of how the financial system must adapt to the digital age.

Short update 2018 in German available